Brownie Cookie Dough Cake

Brownie Cookie Dough Cake

I know, right?  The title says it all.  This is possibly the richest cake I have ever eaten. In fact, the cookie dough butter frosting was so good, I thought we may have just plain brownies instead.  NOT kidding.  Be careful.  Even though you’ll want to keep eating it, you may put yourself over the edge with its sweetness.  Here’s the recipe.

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Baked Pumpkin Pie

Tawny Pumpkin Pie

I’ve been experimenting lately with pie crust–look for a video to come soon on how to make a great pie crust–so I had to find some use for the crust I made.  I have to say, the video was quite funny, and not in a good way, but as a result, you get a great pumpkin pie recipe.  It’s quite easy and bakes up light and delicious.  This particular recipe is one I make every Thanksgiving from the Farmer’s Home Journal Cookbook. Continue reading

chocolate peanut butter cupcake

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Half the Calories and Only 4g of Sugar!

Hello, hello! Here at Baby Chick’s coop we’re on a health kick. On top of that, I gave up refined and unnatural sugars for Lent this year, so baking has become a real challenge. Getting a sweet fix is also challenging because most “sugar free” things have sugar alcohol or aspertame or something chemical-ly and gross. I refuse to eat that stuff, so I set out this afternoon to find a recipe that I could enjoy. Continue reading

Lemon Pudding Cake

Lemon Pudding Cake

My mom never made this cake, but many grandmothers and mothers before her did.  I was intrigued by this cake because, well, I had all of the ingredients in my kitchen.  🙂  This was much easier to put together than I imagined and has a lovely flavor and scent of lemon.  There are many recipes out there, but here is the way I put mine together. Continue reading

heart shaped pancakes

Uncomplicated Heart-Shaped Pancakes for Your Valentine

heart shaped pancakes

These pancakes are extremely easy to make and will be a hit for your Valentine this year. Or, maybe you’re single and just want to show yourself some love. This is a great recipe for doing that. The technique is simple. No artistry or overwhelming skills are needed to crate these pancakes. It all starts will a simple cookie cutter. Continue reading